Saturday, May 23, 2009

Kadee's Fieldtrip

On Wednesday I was asked to help out with Kadee's kindergarten field trip to the zoo. It was so fun. I will be honest... I have had the worst sinus cold and being prego can't take anything that really works, hadn't slept for about three nights in a row, and had just been to the zoo on Friday with the girls. I was not really to excited about chasing a handful of 5 year olds around the zoo. BUT IT WAS SO FUN!!! We had an awesome morning. I think that Kadee's favorite part about the whole thing was the ride on the big yellow bus. She thought that was great! We need to live somewhere next year that she can ride that bus everyday. She has grown up so much this last year and I am so thankful that she has become such a good helper. She is always running upstairs or downstairs to grab something for me. I know that she will help so much when the baby is born. I am so proud of her and the girl that she is becoming. Thanks for being you Kadee!

1 comment:

Em said...

sometimes i feel better when i'm distracted like that too! i'm hoping the next pregnancy first trimester won't be as long as sick as with brennan b/c i'll be busy with brennan! that's my theory at least;-) let's hope it's true!!!